Many teachers get prizes for their students for completing various accomplishments. What can teachers get that students will enjoy but won't break the bank?
Dollar Store
I like to get most of my prizes from the Dollar Store from the toy section or the party section. My favorite things to get there are candy, play dough, slime, nail polish, Rubik's cubes, and mustaches.

Here is what I get from Amazon. These are my student's favorites and these big packs last a long time.
Check out the party favor section from Target. You will find a lot of great prizes in that area.
Billboard Certificates
Instead of giving prizes you can recognize their achievements by using billboard certificates. All you need is a cork board and the printable certificates. Students can take photos with their certificate and you can share the photos on your website/Facebook page.
I purchase trophies and medals for my students for earning the most points or the longest number of days for the 100 day practice challenge. I buy my trophies and medals from Crown Awards.

Would you like to get a free late beginning piece for your studio?
You can get this piece for free here:
If you do prizes in your studio, what are your students favorite prizes?