The new musical school year is just around the corner. Soon we’ll be back to our regular schedules. Here's a simple way for your students to remember what to practice each day. Just think about every letter in the word music. Each letter stands for something to spend time working on. Once your students have played through each activity on the music menu (below), they will have had a great musical meal to help them become a strong musician!
M - Memory Pieces
Have your student play at least one piece that they know by memory. As they memorize more pieces, they can have a lot of fun playing pieces for their family and friends--and even for their own enjoyment. If they can play all of their memory pieces every day, it'll stick with them for a long time.
U - Useful Skills
Have your students watch their hands. Ask them if their thumb or pinky is sleeping (on its side) or on vacation (reaching higher or hanging lower than the others)? Are their fingers standing on their tips? If your students know their scales, cadences, and arpeggios, having them play these every day will make them able to play dazzling music!
S - Sight Reading
Give your students extra books to build their reading skills. Having them look at different music every day will make them ready for anything.
I - Instruction
Have your students work on their new pieces. Remind your students to look at the advice and reminders you have written on the page. Have them look at the words and symbols that the composer has written in the score. Work step by step.
C - Composition/Theory
Let your students have fun exploring the sounds and symbols of music. You can have your students write in their theory or composition book, but also have them have fun improvising and creating melodies and harmonies without writing everything down. From September through December, C can also stand for Christmas pieces!
It's simple as M.U.S.I.C. Make every day a musical day!
Click here to get the free printable of the Music Menu Practice Guide to hand out to your students!
Original post at by Christine Danielewicz SDG
Let us know how this printable goes with your studio in the comments and at Teachers Pay Teachers!