How can we keep our studio organized when we get busy with students? We get lots of resources overtime and sometimes it becomes a lot to stay organized.
1) Bookshelves
Adjustable shelving to maximize space
Shelving: supplemental repertoire, method books, studio work, games, and any prizes

2) Repertoire
Books organized by level and grouped with file folders
Binders decorated in cardstock and grouped by level/genre
Sheet music protected in sheet protectors (for long-lasting music)
Magazine file holders work great for separating genres or levels
3) Studio "Stuff"
New student information in one binder
Worksheets in another binder
Any extra papers get grouped in one binder

4) Music Games
Storage containers for certificates, stickers, ribbons, etc.
Smaller storage containers with dividers for games (at Walmart)
Keep small erasers, games, paper clips, pins, etc. in one container
Full paper-sized games get put in sheet protectors in binders
Want more details on how you can organize your studio? Click here to watch our livestream about it!